Food Forests

Food Forests: Foundations and Functionality

Robert Breton

  • Overview
  • Curricculum
  • Mentor

Course Description: This course is designed to introduce participants to the principles and practices of creating and maintaining food forests. Whether you are a hobby gardener, aspiring permaculturist, or just environmentally conscious, this in-depth course will provide you with the tools to understand and establish your very own food forest.

Introduction (20 minutes)

  • Brief about what a Food Forest is
  • Historical context of food forests
  • Importance in modern agriculture and sustainability


Principles of Permaculture (40 minutes)

Ethics of Permaculture

  • Care for the Earth
  • Care for People
  • Fair Share

Design Principles

  • Observe and Interact
  • Catch and Store Energy
  • Obtain a Yield, and others


Layers of a Food Forest (40 minutes)

  • The Canopy
  • Low-Tree Layer (dwarf fruit trees)
  • Shrub Layer (berries and nuts)
  • Herbaceous Layer
  • Ground Cover Layer
  • Rhizosphere (root crops)
  • Vertical Layer (vines and climbers)
  • Aquatic/Wetland layer (where applicable)


Designing a Food Forest (40 minutes)

  • Site assessment
  • Choosing the right plants for the climate and soil
  • Designing for water flow and capture
  • Introducing beneficial insects and organisms


Implementation (1 hour)

  • Soil preparation
  • Planting strategies and techniques
  • Incorporating animals into the food forest
  • Tips and tricks for ensuring success


Maintenance and Sustainability (30 minutes)

  • Pruning and plant care
  • Natural pest and disease management
  • Harvesting without depleting


Case Studies (30 minutes)

  • Real-world examples of successful food forests
  • Adaptations based on different climates and terrains


Hands-On Activity (in-person only; 1 hour)

  • Plant identification and planting techniques demonstration
  • Soil testing and improvement methods
  • Design a small-scale food forest (groups or individual activity)


Q&A Session (20 minutes)

  • Address questions, concerns, and particular scenarios


Wrap-up and Resources (10 minutes)

  • Recommended books, websites, and communities
  • Certification options and advanced courses


Online Version Adaptations:

  • Interactive Modules: Use interactive e-learning modules for principles of permaculture and layers of a food forest, allowing for participant engagement.
  • Virtual Tour: Use videos or virtual reality experiences to show real-world food forests.
  • Discussion Boards: Allow participants to post questions, pictures, and experiences with their own food forests.
  • Hands-on Activity: Instead of a direct hands-on activity, guide participants in designing a digital representation of their potential food forest or have them observe and plan in their actual space and share their findings/plans with the group.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Greenhouses (20 minutes)

Chapter 2: Basic Greenhouse Structures and Styles (30 minutes)

Chapter 3: Components of a Greenhouse (30 minutes)

Chapter 4: Greenhouse Environmental Controls (40 minutes)

Chapter 5: Greenhouse Construction Steps (40 minutes)

Chapter 6: Greenhouse Maintenance (20 minutes)

Chapter 7: Sustainable Practices in Greenhouse Management (30 minutes)

Chapter 8: Real World Applications and Examples (30 minutes)


Robert Breton

About Mentor

About: With a PhD in Soil Sciences from the University of Agronomy, Dr. John Greenfield has over 10 years of experience in the field of organic farming. He has been instrumental in pioneering sustainable practices that maintain soil health. A published author of three books on organic agriculture, Dr. John believes in imparting knowledge that ensures a better future for our planet.

Specialization: Soil Science and Sustainability

Knowledge Is Power
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