
Welcome to the Hawaiian Volcanic Organic Farm Institute! Whether you’re a researcher, student, tourist, or farming enthusiast, we’re delighted to have you with us. Below is a comprehensive guide on how you can get support during your visit.

1. Contacting Support Directly:

Email: For any queries, feedback, or support needs, feel free to reach out to us at Our support team aims to respond within 24 hours.

2. On-Site Support:

Information Desk: Once you arrive, make your first stop at our Information Desk. Our friendly staff will provide you with maps, and brochures, and answer any immediate questions you might have.
Guided Tours: We regularly conduct guided tours, where you can learn more about our farming processes, research, and the unique volcanic properties that make our produce special.
Interactive Workshops: Depending on the season and availability, there are workshops related to organic farming, volcanic soil benefits, and Hawaiian agriculture heritage. You can enroll on-site or pre-book via email.

3. Digital Support:

Website: For a comprehensive overview of our institute, activities, and upcoming events, visit our official website. There, you’ll find FAQs, research publications, and more.
Mobile App: Download our official mobile app for a self-guided tour, notifications about ongoing activities, and direct chat support.

4. Emergency Support:

For any emergencies, please contact our on-site security or any institute staff member immediately. Emergency contact numbers are displayed prominently throughout the farm.

5. Feedback & Suggestions:

We value your input! Feel free to leave feedback or suggestions at the Information Desk or via email. There are also feedback boxes located around the institute.

We strive to make our institute accessible to everyone. If you or someone in your group has special needs or requires assistance, please let us know in advance or speak to our staff on-site.

8. Educational & Research Support:

If you’re visiting for academic or research purposes, our Research & Development department can provide you with additional resources, data, and expert consultations.
In conclusion, your experience and well-being are of paramount importance to us. We aim to make your visit informative, enjoyable, and memorable. Welcome to the wonders of Hawaiian volcanic organic farming, and thank you for choosing to explore it with us!

Warm regards,

The Team at Hawaiian Volcanic Organic Farm Institute.